CivMetrics collects key real estate data for the largest cities in the United States. In this post, we look at new Case-Shiller Home Price Index data for 20 cities. For questions about our data, or to request data, please contact Data is collected from FRED, released on April 30, 2024.

Single family home prices nationally decreased by 0.10 percent month-over-month in January, according to the latest Case-Shiller Home Price Index data.

The Case-Shiller Index measures residential housing prices nationally and in 20 cities.

The index is still up 6.38 percent year-over-year, although the number varies greatly depending on the city being measured.

Here are the ten cities with the greatest yearly growth in residential home prices:

Here are the ten cities with the least yearly growth in residential home prices:

Below, find a sortable table of all 20 cities, their yearly and monthly changes, and raw index values.