Thomas Brock is a middle-aged white man in good health. So how was he awarded $350 million in contracts pegged for disabled veterans, minorities and women?
Prosecutors haven’t released the details yet, but they say Brock had no qualms about using fronts for nearly 13 years to win tens of millions of dollars in military construction contracts that he wasn’t qualified for.
Brock pleaded guilty and he now faces up to nine years in prison.
John Monk reports in
“In previous hearings, prosecutors and others have described Brock as the “mastermind” behind a scheme to use disabled veterans — one of whom was his wife, Tory Brock — and an African-American, Cory Adams, to apply for military construction projects meant for minorities.
“Four earlier defendants in Brock’s schemes got probation. Another, Jerry Eddins, got two years. Brock’s former lover, Allison Amanda Smalls, who with Brock worked up a separate scheme to get millions of dollars from a New York City lender, got six years in prison.
“Although Pearson did not give a total dollar amount Tuesday for the military construction contracts Brock illegally won, in previous hearings, Pearson has put the figure at $350 million. All the work was actually done; Brock pocketed millions in profits from the projects, and his schemes ran from the early 2000s to about 2013.”