It has been announced that the California Transportation Commission is boosting its investment in infrastructure as the body has earmarked $1.1 billion to be used to finance transportation infrastructure projects across the state.
As reported by the Sierra Sun Times, some of the projects that were approved and will benefit from the investment are:
• A pavement rehabilitation project on State Route 140 from 1.7 miles east of Catheys Valley Park to the north State Route 49 junction in Mariposa County received $18.8 million, including $16.6 million in IIJA funds. The project will extend the service life of the highway and improve ride quality. Work also includes upgrading guardrail, rumble strips, drainage systems, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramps.
• A project to replace bridge approach guardrail on two bridges and remove obstructions from clear recovery zones at 12 locations on State Route 140 in and near the cities of Gustine and Merced received $4.4 million, including $3.96 million in IIJA funds. Work also includes construction headwalls and extending drainage culverts. This project will reduce the number and severity of collisions.
• A project at various locations on State Routes 59, 140 and 152 in Merced County that will seismically retrofit and upgrade the bridge rails of seven bridges and apply polyester concrete overlay on one bridge and architectural treatment on another received $16.6 million, including $14.75 million in IIJA funds.