Confluent Platform 5.0 can now link data streaming and analytics together with a simpler interface that does not need Java developer support.
SearchDataManagement reports on the platform update that was released July 31:
“Confluent Platform 5.0’s support for disaster recovery and other improvements is useful, said Doug Henschen, a principal analyst at Constellation Research. But the bigger value in the release, he said, is in KSQL’s potential for “the mainstreaming of streaming analytics.”
“Besides the new GUI, this Confluent release upgrades the KSQL engine with support for user-defined functions, which are essential parts of many existing SQL workloads. Also, the release supports handling nested data in popular Avro and JSON formats.
“With these moves Confluent is meeting developer expectations and delivering sought-after capabilities in the context of next-generation streaming applications,” Henschen said.”