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The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey issues revised pricing guidelines for concessions at LaGuardia, JFK and Newark airport. This is after an internal audit found that restaurants in the three major airports were charging “indefensible” amounts, including $23 or $27 for a pint of beer.

The complaint of the travelers on the prices of foods and drinks prompted the agency’s inspector general to launch an investigation.

The City further reported:

Port Authority officials said the revised guidelines offer “clear, specific and detailed steps” on how concessionaires must adhere to the street pricing policy. “It also redoubles the emphasis on including lower-priced value items at every concessionaire,” said Rick Cotton, the Port Authority’s executive director.

The audit flagged OTG, which operates restaurants and stores at the three major area airports, for erroneously adding a surcharge on top of what the Port Authority described as “an inflated beer price.

”The company, which has airport concessions in 10 cities, including Washington D.C., Chicago, Toronto and Orlando, blamed a clerical error for 25 customers being incorrectly charged.

“As soon as this information was presented to us, we immediately contacted each customer and refunded the entire check of their ordrin addition to fixing the error on our end,” an OTG representative said in a statement.