Vision Critical has upgraded its Sparq Platform with the addition of text mining and sentiment analysis to its capabilities. The upgrade was part of Vision Critical’s push toward a deeper understanding of their clients’ customers through customer profiling, engagement, and feedback analysis.
Read more about the Sparq Platform’s upgrade on Destination CRM:
“Using machine learning, Text Analytics & Sentiment Analysis automatically analyzes open-ended feedback, such as survey comments, to reveal measurable, actionable insights. These new features include the following:
• Starring and Tagging, allowing users to tag, highlight, and search responses to identify common themes and uncover insights;
• Sentiment Analysis, allowing users to detect positive, negative, or neutral sentiment with more than 90 percent accuracy;
• Visualizations, allowing users to generate reports on tags and sentiment using tools like graphs and word clouds and then share insights with customers and stakeholders with one-click; and
• Quote Reporting, allowing users to add customer feedback in the customer’s own words to reports.”